No two pairs of ears are exactly the same, so getting a comfortable and effective fit from a pair of off-the-shelf earplugs can take a little - or lot of - trial and error. Do you need foam, rubber, silicone, or something else entirely? Do you need large earplugs or small ones? How about long or short? There are a LOT of choices, and you may need to try several different kinds before you find some that are comfortable and work for your purposes... it can get overwhelming.
Custom Ear Plugs to the Rescue.
Custom ear plugs solve virtually all of the common problems people experience with finding the right ear plugs, because they're made especially to fit your unique ears like a one-of-a-kind glove. Each set of custom plugs are (just as the name suggests) custom-made to fit your ears and your ears alone. The benefits to this approach are huge: custom ear plugs provide the best possible seal against sound and water, keeping your ears safe, and they're the most comfortable choice, too, by far, with a secure fit that will stay put all day and won't fall out even during sleep or activity.
The drawback? Custom molded ear plugs are expensive. The professional models start at around $140, and they only get more costly from there. They offer a ton of benefits, for sure: they're durable and last for years, the fit is often guaranteed, the materials are high-end, and they can come with a variety of features ranging from handles and cords, to special noise filters, or even to embedded electronics that amplify ambient sound!
But if you don't have the budget for professionally custom-molded ear plugs, don't despair: you can make your own!
Full disclosure: DIY custom ear plugs will not last as long as the professionally-made ones, or fit as perfectly, or come with any guarantees... but they're a tiny fraction of the cost of pro custom plugs. That's nothing to sneeze at. And they are still molded to fit your unique ears, taking the guesswork out of getting a good fit, so it's really no wonder so many people want to make their own custom plugs.
So... how do they do that, anyway?
The Process: How Custom Ear Plugs are Made
Before you get started, it's important to understand how custom ear plugs are usually made. Let's start by looking at how the pros do it.
Professional custom ear plugs require ear impressions, which - if you're buying ear plugs online - you typically have to figure out how to have made yourself. You can pay for ear impressions to be made by an audiologist locally, or you can sometimes make your own with a kit. An audiologist will be significantly more expensive, but can provide the most accurate impressions. If you make your own impressions, it may take a couple attempts to get them perfect.
Whether you're seeing an audiologist or making ear impressions yourself, the process is largely the same: it involves mixing multiple types of putty into a single impression material and then inserting that material deeply into the ear canal. Typically there's a foam stopper that goes in your ear first, to prevent the impression material it from going too deep and touching your ear drum. You then keep the impression material in place in your ears for a few minutes while it firms up, at which point you can remove it. These impressions are a little awkward to make, and very strange-looking, but they're critical: the impression is used to mold the custom plugs that will be professionally created for you in the lab.
So that's how professional ear mold labs create custom plugs - but how do you do it yourself at home? These days, do-it-yourself (DIY) custom ear plugs come in quite a few varieties! So let's look at the options.
The Options: Types of DIY Custom Ear Plugs
Several different types of DIY custom ear plugs are available to choose from, which is great news for someone looking to make their own custom hearing protection. There's a lot of variety these days! No matter which type of DIY plugs you're getting, the common denominator is that each set of custom plugs comes in a self-contained kit you can buy and use yourself at home. Some are more complicated than others, and some offer more features, but all of them are designed to be safe and simple for a novice to use. Most DIY custom plugs fall into one of two categories: Mix & Form, or Heat & Shape.
DIY Custom Ear Plugs: Mix & Form
This is the most popular type of DIY custom plug: the kind made out of putty. Making your own custom ear plugs with these kits actually isn't so different from making ear impressions, only the end result is a pair of finished ear plugs. Generally speaking, these kits all include two types of putty in separate containers. To create the ear plugs, you'll just open the containers, mix the putty together into a uniform blob ("uniform" meaning "no visible streaks"), and then stick the mixed material in your ears until it hardens. Some have foam stops, some have syringes (just the plastic tube - no needles!), but all of them work the same way.
The Radians DIY Ear Plug Kit contains instructions and material to make one complete set of DIY custom ear plugs
The putty is generally easy to mix; you can do it by hand, and the process is painless and straight-forward. However, one issue to be aware of is that speed is a factor: the putty material will begin to harden as soon as it is mixed, so it's important to get it properly inserted into the ear canals before it starts to get firm! This can require you to focus and move relatively quickly.
Finished DIY custom ear plugs made out of mixed putty only take 10-15 minutes to make, and once they're firm, they're ready to use. They're all made out of hypoallergenic medical-grade materials, and are washable with a lifespan of up to several months depending on how often they're used - so they provide really great value for the relatively low cost. But be aware: these are not the most finished earplugs in the world. They'll look a little rough, though they should feel smooth and comfortable enough to your ears.
Recommended Mix & Form DIY Custom Plugs
If the Mix & Form putty style of DIY custom ear plugs seems right for you, our top recommendation are Radians Custom Molded Ear Plugs. These are by far our customers' first choice when it comes to making their own custom plugs. These best-in-class DIY ear plugs are highly affordable at under $11, suitable for a huge variety of noise protection, and work to keep water out, too (so they're even a good option for kids with ear tubes). They're comfortable and easy to mix, with clear instructions and demo videos to help you feel confident you've got it right, and optional screw-in lanyards let you choose to add a convenient cord (sold separately). They come in several colors ranging from bright to subtle, to fit your preferences and lifestyle.
Radians DIY Custom Ear Plugs are popular and come in a variety of colors
Radians are rated at NRR 26 - though it's important to understand that noise reduction from DIY plugs may vary, since they're not made under the sort of controlled setting as professional custom plugs.
Another good and highly-rated option is the E.A.R. Inc's DIY Custom Ear Plug Kit. These are a slightly more "deluxe" kit (and more expensive at $19) but they include a lanyard and a nice little drawstring carry bag, which is great for using your custom ear plugs on the go. They also come in slightly more colors - but otherwise, they're nearly identical to Radians, with the same benefits.
E.A.R. Inc. DIY Custom Ear Plugs are another solid putty-type choice
Note that both of these do require you to mix the putty yourself and move fairly quickly, as with all Mix & Form DIY custom ear plugs. If this sounds stressful or problematic, the other type of DIY custom plug might be more up your alley: Heat & Shape.
DIY Custom Ear Plugs: Heat & Shape
Heat & Shape DIY custom plugs are a newer option, and offer the same core benefits as other DIY plugs: a custom-fitted ear plug that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, that you can make in the safety of your own home. These are, however, typically more expensive than the traditional Mix & Form DIY type, starting at around $25. But you get some pretty impressive benefits in exchange for the price difference - and they're still a fraction of the cost of pro custom plugs.
The biggest advantage Heat & Shape DIY custom plugs offer is just what it sounds like: they're simply shaped using heat. Most require nothing more complicated or intimidating to make than the kit and a mug full of hot water. You soften the plugs (or part of the plugs) by dropping them into hot water, then insert them into your ears to cool and take the shape of your ear canals. (Make sure not to stick them in your ears when they're too hot - use caution!)
Heat & Shape plugs are typically just a little quicker to make than most putty plugs. They're also easier to handle, requiring no putty mixing to create, and they're tidier, with no sticky materials to potentially drop and get ground into the carpet. They're also smooth-skinned when they're finished, with a glossy outer layer that the mixed putty plugs really can't compete with. So if look and feel are especially important to you, these may be worth paying a little more for.
Another HUGE benefit to the Heat & Shape type?
You can actually re-mold them!
If you don't get it exactly right the first time, you can just try again! If trying to beat the clock to get putty materials mixed before they harden sounds stressful, or if making your ear plugs yourself seems daunting, then these heat-molded plugs will be a perfect fit for you. No stress, no mess, and no need to get putty on your fingers - you can take your time to get it right, and try again as many times as you need to. It doesn't get much easier than that.
Recommended Heat & Shape DIY Custom Plugs
The first Heat & Shape custom plugs to hit the market, Decibullz DIY Custom Molded Ear Plugs recently got a sleek redesign. These have better noise reduction than any of the putty-type plugs, setting them on a tier above the rest with NRR 31 protection from hazardous sound. They come in a range of attractive colors, and the thermoplastic material is glossy and smooth, for a polished look and finished feel. Like all custom plugs of this type, you can re-mold Decibullz until they fit perfectly. Note that these are multi-part plugs that do require a little simple assembly; the custom molded earpieces ensure a good fit, while the fit tips extend deep into the ear canal for superior noise-blocking. The tips come in three sizes and two materials, for a customizable fit and feel. The earpieces come in a variety of colors, and the included carrying pouch helps keep the pieces together. A lanyard is available as an add-on (sold separately). Not bad for a total pricetag just under $26.
Decibullz Heat & Shape Custom Plugs are re-moldable, so you can get it perfect - for sure
Decibullz have raised the bar for DIY custom plugs again recently by launching a line of DIY custom plugs with musician's sound filters in them. If you need to reduce the volume while still hearing speech and music clearly, musician's ear plugs are the best solution - and now you can get those musician's sound filters in a set of custom ear plugs you can make yourself. These come in Decibullz DIY Custom High Fidelity Ear Plugs (NRR 12), as well as a professional high-fi version, and a version designed with percussive filters especially for shooters. All of these are significantly more expensive than any of the other DIY custom plug kits ($75 and up!), but still less costly than pro custom plugs. And when hearing clearly while staying protected is the goal, these can do what other DIY customs cannot.
Note that Decibullz isn't the only player in the Heat & Shape bracket. You can also get ZenPlugs DIY Custom Molded Ear Plugs, which are also shaped with simple hot water and can be molded (and re-molded as many times as you like!) to fit your ears. These come in two bright colors, and have the benefit of including a spare moldable plug with each pair, so even if you lose one, you're still covered. They have less moving parts than Decibullz, with no need for fiddly ear tips, so they're a little easier to form and assemble. They're also super low-profile, with a significantly smaller form factor and less material of any kind visible from the outside. ZenPlugs come with an included lanyard and a small packet of ear lubricant, too, for a touch of extra convenience and comfort. These are priced about on-par with Decibullz, at just under $29.
ZenPlugs are so low-profile, they require an insertion tool when you make them!
At the end of the day, the older Mix & Form plugs tend to be more popular and highly rated by customers than the newer Heat & Shape plugs. The putty type plugs are also less expensive - but they require a quick hand to make, and you only get one chance to get it right. Heat & Shape custom plugs are user-friendly and attractive-looking with more potential features, but they're more expensive, so they just haven't caught on as much as the putty plugs have. No matter which DIY kit you pick, the process of making your own custom ear plugs is ultimately as simple as using the kit and following the instructions.
Which type of DIY custom ear plugs are the best choice for you and your unique ears is going to vary a great deal from one person to another. It's just subjective. But a set of DIY custom plugs is much more likely to fit your ears perfectly than a pair of off-the-shelf universal fit foam or rubber plugs, that much is sure. And the DIY part means you'll be paying a whole lot less for custom-molded hearing protection, no matter what you choose.
Now that you know everything about how to make your own custom ear plugs, and what your options are, you can make an educated choice for yourself. And when you get your DIY earplug kit in the mail, you can be confident that you're ready, with all the information you need to make custom ear plugs at home safely and successfully.
For easy reference, you can check out all our DIY Custom Ear Plug Kits right here.
Until next time, be safe and do the right thing.
Tom Bergman, Vice President
Ear Plug Superstore