When it comes to comparing foam ear plugs, different plugs are typically recommended for different applications. The earplugs designed and sold for blocking noise while riding a motorcycle, for instance, usually aren't the same plugs suggested for use while studying in a noisy dorm room or working on a construction site. But despite what the product names and packaging might suggest, you can get some great results by using foam plugs intended for one purpose for another application entirely, as this customer recently found by using their New Dynamics Sound Guard Foam Ear Plugs - a long-standing favorite of the US Military - for a totally different purpose:
I have issues waking up to the littlest noises. I’ve tried all different ear plugs over the years and they either don’t work with blocking sounds or fall out. My friend is in the Air Force and when I was visiting her she gave me a pair to use. It’s what they use around aircrafts. Well, I was amazed! Never fell out and I slept like a log. Nothing woke me up and I was even sleeping on her couch when she got ready and left for work. I would always wake up if she was in the kitchen but nope, slept right through. I’ve used anytime I travel now. They look regular but are highly effective. I’m guessing this is why they use in the Air Force!
From the Air Force to crashing on a friend's couch - that's a pretty big leap!
It makes sense though, if you think about it. The military requires superior noise blocking to protect against the massive noise from gunfire, vehicles, and explosions. And while the circumstances are totally and completely different, the noise itself is the same: it's just vibrations in the air. The same foam will work the same way regardless of the characteristics of the noise itself, at least for the most part. And ear plugs that can take the hazardous edge off of military-grade blast noise would certainly be effective against snoring - or a friend's morning coffee grinder.
New Dynamics Sound Guard Foam Ear Plugs come individually-packaged in tiny boxes.
In fact, there are only a few differences between types of foam ear plugs. The type of foam material (UF or PVC, which determines stiffness and exterior texture), the size of the plug (diameter and lengthwise), and the shape (bullet, bell, or cylinder) can all differ, as can color, but that's about it. Different combinations of these factors produce different Noise Reduction Ratings (NRR's), and determine how comfortable each person will find each set of ear plugs to be - a highly subjective determination that is legitimately unique for each individual. Exceptions to this guideline exist, but the core idea and general construction of regular disposable foam ear plugs are, for the most part, extremely similar.
This is actually pretty great news - because it means you can can mix-and-match, like the customer above did. Why not go for the military's preferred foam earplug for sleeping?
Now, New Dynamics Sound Guard ear plugs are a stiffer PVC foam, and they're sized for medium-to-large adults. So this is a slightly unusual plug to see someone choose for sleep. But one great thing that does make these plugs unique is that they're multi-colored not for decoration but for usability. When inserted properly, only one color of the Sound Guard foam should be visible externally. This special dual-color design the guesswork out of making sure your earplugs are inserted properly - which is critical, or you won't get the rated protection, and your ears will remain vulnerable to damaging blast noise. But there's no reason you can't use the same guideline to make sure your ears are diligently protected from snoring or roommates or any other unwanted nighttime noise.
Sound Guard's dual-color design helps ensure proper (effective) insertion.
All in all, kudos to this customer's friend for introducing them to an excellent hearing protector! I love the thinking here, genuinely. A military hearing protector to help a guest sleep: an unusual choice that, on second thought, makes absolute sense.
You know, thinking of creatively using foam ear plugs out of context - you can get our Industrial Disposable Foam Ear Plugs in single-pair quantities, and they work every bit as well for blocking all kinds of noise as the consumer-packaged five-packs of disposable foam ear plugs "for sleeping" or "for shooting" etc do... only with industrials, you can get single pairs, and you don't have to pay for the pretty packaging. Most shops don't break bulk to let you buy industrial ear plugs in such small quantities, but we've always wanted to make more types of ear plugs available to more people! So if you're on a quest for the best foam plugs, you might start thinking outside the box. And when it comes to regular foam ear plugs, as long as the NRR is high enough and they fit properly, you cannot go wrong.
Until next time, be safe and do the right thing.
Tom Bergman, Vice President
Ear Plug Superstore