I'd like to share this recent Perfect-Fit Custom Molds for Isolation Earphones Review from a customer:
Hi – just wanted to give you guys the highest possible rating. The plugs fit perfectly into my ears and the fit of the plugs to my BeatsX bluetooth earbuds is also perfect. For those reading this who are potential purchasers, I bought the "Perfect-Fit CEPM Model Custom Ear Molds for In-Ear Monitors and Isolation Earphones (One Pair)." (The product ID is: lplcustmoldspr00-999)The only question I had in choosing from the various options was whether to choose full coverage plugs vs the "Canal Only" plugs. I chose the full coverage because that is what I've always used. The Company says that Canal Only plugs achieve the same sound isolation and I have no reason to question that. But, the full coverage does provide wind protection for at least some of the outer ear. And, the molds are fitted to the BeatsX housing such that most of the housing is covered; this reduces the amount such that the plugs don't stick out from the ear much further than when just using the earbuds. In fact, I never noticed any difference until (for this review) I looked in a mirror after having put a plug in one ear and an earbud in the other. It looks to me that the plug sticks out somewhere between 1/16" and 1/8". You’d never notice it unless you were trying to make a measurement.
I use them on my motorcycle and, since I'm retired, I ride a lot. And, I never wear a helmet. (yes, I know-STUPID) But anyway, the road noise inside a helmet is much less than the no-helmet noise. This is an even stronger testament to the EarPlugStore product. Most of my no-helmet road noise is drastically reduced but I can still hear everything I need to hear. The noise from cars passing or car horns is literally about the same as what you would hear in a good car.
Finally, some advice: You need really good ear impressions to get really good ear plugs. The Ear Plug Store offers a DIY kit or you can get the impressions from your local professional audiologist.
This reviewer is absolutely correct: getting good ear impressions really is critical to getting well-fitted custom ear plugs. This customer had a good experience getting impressions done with a local audiologist - but where and how doesn't matter nearly so much as getting really well-made, accurate ear impressions. Once you have a good set of impressions made, getting a set of custom-molded earpieces for your existing earphones is a snap.
It takes a little effort to get professional custom earmolds made. But when you wear your in-ear earphones as part of your favorite hobby or activity, like this reviewer does, the comfort and quality that comes from having a true custom fit will be well worth the investment.
Until next time, be safe and do the right thing (and please wear your helmet, too!)
Tom Bergman, Vice President
Ear Plug Superstore
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